Man, the internet is fantastic. I love unlimited, free wireless internet and all the fruit it delivers. Check out my basket this week!
Fast-Forward Vancouver
Excellent Travel Writer Advice
I don't know how to introduce this piece by Jeffrey Tayler, nor can I sum it up better than by displaying the following excerpts. Basically my advice is for you to read the entire post from start to finish, if it's of any interest to you to travel, write, read, or write about your travels.

Writers must, initially and throughout their lives, be readers first and foremost, and readers not primarily of journalism, but of the classics, both modern and not-so-modern.
“The Death of Ivan Il’ich,” by Tolstoy, was the short story that taught me about the brevity of life and the need to act at once; the protagonist finds himself on his deathbed, and only then realizes that he has wasted his life by following social convention, never doing what he wants.
I conceived early on the conviction that one should lead one’s life as if one were the protagonist of an epic novel, with the outcome predetermined and chapter after chapter of edifying, traumatic and exhilarating events to be suffered through. Since the end is known in advance, one must try to experience as much as possible in the brief time allotted.
Conventions now are hardly less pervasive than they were in Tolstoy’s day; we’re pressured to start a career, build our résumé, earn a certain amount of money, and so forth. But remember: None of us gets out of here alive. So don’t fear risks. Rebel. Be bold, try hard, and embrace adversity; let both success and failure provide you with unique material for your writing, let them give you a life different enough to be worth writing about.
When Do I Succeed?
Success is...
I'll get into that later. For now I'll let these bloggers dig into the definition of "success." Be sure to download the free ebook for the visual and inspiring compilation of these perspectives.
The TBEX '10 Wants You... write a beautiful travel narrative for the Community Keynote. Unfortunately, the world of travel blogging can easily fall victim to the search engine attraction game and disguise the reason why we love to write and read about traveling in the first place. Whether you were fortunate enough to reserve a space at this years TBEX in New York City or whether you sulk on the waiting list like myself, any independent travel blogger may submit a narrative that falls under one of the following categories:
Twinkle in a Traveler’s Eye – The Ideas That Inspire the Trips
In Transit – The Perils (and Joys) of Transportation
Talking to Strangers – The People You Meet
Spit or Swallow – Culinary Conundrums
The Power of Places – Inspiring Destinations
You Did What? – Adrenaline Rushes and Adventures
Love at First Flight – Tales of Romance on the Road
Trips & Falls – Embarrassing Tales & Travel Fails
Home, Bittersweet Home – Reverse Culture Shock & Many Happy Returns
If you can perfect your piece by April 16th and fill out this form, you're golden. I'm assuming nine writings will be chosen to receive TBEX fame and fortune (in the form of a link), but don't apply if you're hungry for prize money. This looks like quite a forum to complete for. I know I am.
Dakota Skies
Gary's got a nice camera and a nice eye.

Other Discoveries
One man's luxury antioxidant boost is another's staple dinner item
One seat or two? The NY Times addresses the overweight flyer debate
Vote and send someone to Costa Rica thanks to Nomadic Matt and GAP Adventures
This girl has some great ideas for 10 hour layovers in empty airports at night
Update on Nomadderwhere
Even though I've been blogging for three years and have archives stretching back to January of 2007, Nomadderwhere as you know it is nearing its first birthday - March 29th! As the site receives more input from readers and inspiration from the web and the world, you will see a variety of new developments in the coming weeks and months. January 1st brought the newest addition of the Photo of the Day, and coming Nomadderwhere's first birthday, a new series will appear, inspired by the many e-mails I receive about various topics on travel, the STA internship, and more.
In the meantime, fill me in on what you think.