Ahh, back from Chicago and back to my armchair office. And here are the interesting tidbits for this week!
Being a Good Global Citizen
Brave New Traveler brought my attention to a website this week that barks right up the tree I'm climbing these days. Project Explorer makes free educational videos for school children as a non-for-profit organization, and a dialogue they've opened up to the world is on the topic of "global citizenship" and what it means to people everywhere.
Here are some of the well-known participants in this conversation I thought you'd find interesting.
Archbishop Desmond Tutu discusses how we can only be human together...
Andrew Zimmern refrains from chomping on scorpions and large intestines to talk about being a global citizen...
Russell Simmons talks about giving as a part of your job on this earth to be a global citizen...
Anthony Bourdain shares his thoughts on how travel can change your perspective...
Find more videos like this on ProjectExplorer.org's Good Global Citizen
Other Discoveries
The artist culture is returning to my old Florentine neighborhood: Oltrarno
Thanks, Intelligent Travel Blog, for reporting on the new fruit labeling technique, soon to sweep the nation.
Next week is Geography Awareness Week!
Update on Nomadderwhere
I've got a lot of things to cover, I tell you what!
Someone's gotta tell this guy he's in Chicago
1. I returned from my six day trip to Chicago and am thoroughly pleased with what I accomplished. My activities ranged from touristy to local favorite to rare and offbeat. I saw friends and family and ate great food. Chicago is a comfortable and dynamic city, and you can expect a few blogs and videos to come in the next couple weeks.
2. My writing challenge is off to a predictably slow start, especially since I wasn't at home this week and the Nakavika Project is just launching (and taking up all my time). I'm still on for the November 30th deadline of 20,000 additional words to my manuscript. Is anyone else pushing themselves on a challenge this month?
3. Many of you have been click on the Nakavika Project page above and presumably found disappointment in its password-protected status. These pages will soon be public as soon as plans are finalized with my travel partner. This should occur this following week, so stay tuned for the launch date of the NP!
Clark Gallery Photo Show
4. I am giving a small talk at the Honeywell Center in Wabash, Indiana on Tuesday (the 17th), which will focus on some of my better travel photos and the stories behind capturing them. If you're in the area, come check out the Clark Gallery Photo Show going on right now, and then stick around on Tuesday for the reception! I'm flattered they wanted me to talk, as I am far from even pretending to be professional, but I hope to give them something to think about. The coolest part about all this is that the gallery is named after my late grandfather.