Mario Batali at the Fast Company Innovation Uncensored conference
On April 23rd and 24th, I received the chance to attend a stellar conference by the only print magazine I have cared to look at in the last decade: Fast Company.
A co-worker turned me onto Fast Co. on the flight to Bhutan, and it has since been a continuous source of inspiration for the newMedia Lab and media work at TGS in general.
Sometimes working at a school that boasts innovation as its middle name leaves me feeling stale and inadequate for my role. "I haven't done anything new and exciting lately! I'm not ahead of the curve!" This conference looked to be the remedy and something that would benefit all facets of my job, from looking at teaching and learning differently to spreading our name like wildfire.
The conference failed to disappoint. They provided a printed, wire-bound agenda for note-taking, but I was simultaneously shooting great quotes from the speakers up onto Twitter. The hashtag #IUNY13 was lively and often revealed comments I missed or didn't quite wrap my mind around the first time. In this instance, I think my experience was heightened by this digital engagement.
The ideas in this post are mine and do not represent those of THINK Global School.