Hello readers, From May 1st to June 2nd, I will be exhibiting some of my travel photography in a location that is very special to me. Not only will this be my first photography exhibition at a gallery, but the gallery is the Clark Gallery, in honor of my late grandfather Clark, whom I never had the chance to meet.
The Clark Gallery lives inside my town's focal point, the Honeywell Center. As I've mentioned in many anecdotes, without the Honeywell Center, I wouldn't have known that other cultures and opportunities existed...and therefore wouldn't be where I am today.
This exhibition entitled "Far, Far Away" is a chance for some people in Wabash, Indiana to see destinations and cultures they otherwise might never see. Additionally, all the images were taken by people who claim Wabash as their hometown, adding a layer of accessibility to the images. The other person sharing the space with me will be showing many images from Antarctica. Just amongst the two of us, our images will span all seven continents!
My images will be displayed digitally on a TV screen in the gallery, which makes my selection and the cost of exhibition much easier as I work remotely. I'm also creating a printed catalog that will sit next to the TV with image thumbnails, a mini-map pointing to the location of the photo, and a QR code connecting to the back story of that image.
I'm interested in knowing which images are impactful and effective for you! Feel free to leave comments and give me direction of what I should include or exclude in this exhibition. Are you particularly curious about seeing image from any of these countries specifically? And what information could be provided in order to fulfill what you want to know about the images or moments depicted?