For over a month, I've been sinking my claws into Buenos Aires, Argentina. Within the first two weeks, I found an apartment with a new roommate/co-worker in the beautifully-located barrio called Recoleta. Its coordinates in the city as well as decor and baller terrace(s) cause me to internally chant:
I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy!
Though I have encountered some really bitter parts of the city so far, the vast majority of my thoughts focus on the innumerable opportunities within reach. On fair-weathered afternoons, stalls of antique paraphernalia and sweet, sweet guitar interludes draw us to San Telmo market. If we're hungry and less motivated, we funnel in coffee and cake, along with a full American breakfast, at a nearby cafe famous for its former literary clientele.
Yes, sometimes I'd rather go nowhere, because my apartment is on the better side of baller. As enticing as underground markets and puerto cerrado dinners can be, I'm often equally as motivated to have a little 'personal growth' time here on the couch with a good book on my host country.
South Americans and world citizens all over frequently categorize Argentines as snobs, but we've been lucky in finding porteños that happily absorb us brash Americans into their social circles. And with each listen to their smushed and slurred sentences, our Spanish takes a step closer to fluency.
I have yet to taste mate from a gourd in a breezy park, but you bet your chai it's going to be obsessively documented.
I shant forget the incredible outings–both obscure and cliché–for the taking in BsAs, including the one most people worldwide know of without knowing it: La Boca. When you hear of Argentina, your mental picture is undoubtedly a tango pose in front of a brightly-colored wall. This is La Boca, and it's this place that makes me realize we're in South America. I imagine it's like Times Square was right before Lion King and Disney moved to town.
Regardless of the world around me, I still always have this option. And for this, I am not worthy still. This makes me excited to spend four months in South America's second biggest city.